Monday, February 2, 2009

Basket of Roses

(Gift basket of roses I made for one of my best friends baby shower that I otherwise would have missed if I were in Spain)

I’m not certain I anyone is still reading my blog but if so you will be happy to know I am back safely in the states. Today marks three weeks to be exact (02/01/09)! It’s quite odd when you are put in a situation that you are torn by. When I was moving back I was bummed but kind of excited because the guy I had been dating and I had just broken up due to distance… well problem solved, I was coming home!! Upon my return he was sticking to his guns and proclaimed that his life had changed and that he just wouldn’t be able to make me happy. For what it’s worth that’s life and if he says he can’t make me happy then he’s probably right. Where there lacks the desire, there lacks the option. Sometime things just don’t turn out the way we think they will.

It’s still strange though because I still have this desire to be in this city where I began to create a little ‘home’ for myself. Barcelona had new friends, new work, new adventures and new possibilities constantly. Even on a day when exhaustion over ran ones body there was still the desire to go see more, go do more… just go exist in life in this amazing city. The contrast to this idea of being in this beautiful city is the idea that it lacks what I love about home. The familiarity of my town the people that surround me and know me sometimes better than I know myself. The built connections and joys that I have built upon for the past several years of my existence. Who would ever want to criticize those blessings?

So I can’t say that being home is my first choice because it isn’t, especially because one of the things I was so looking forward to is no longer apart of my life. However, I now get the chance to stand with one of my very best friends in the delivery room as she gives birth to her second child. An honor and gift that I cannot even believe I am so blessed I will be able to experience. As well as, the planning of my other best friend’s wedding whom, I am the Maid of Honor! I also get the chance to make new connections with people in my life that I had lost touch with, such as my cousin Leslie, as well and learn more about my new friends. When I live life here it is hard to see how I could have missed out on all that I have experienced in the last three weeks. Don’t get me wrong I certainly do miss Spain and knowing that something new, fresh and exciting could have been happening there. I do get bummed sometimes but when I look around at what I have here it is an easy reminder that either way I’ve got it pretty stinking good. Sometimes life is like a two-sided coin, either way the coin is still money and it’s still yours.

Much love to all my readers.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A Seceret for the Blog Readers: Bittersweet End

(I LOVE Charlie Chaplin's sweet little mustache... this is the goetee version)

To all of you who have been faithful blog readers you get the insight of my near future. So Barcelona has proven to be more expensive than originally thought. So come Saturday I will be on a flight back home. I wont actually arrive back in Wichita until Sunday afternoon though. I have a 12 hour lay over in New York City. Luckily I have a few friends in NYC so I will be entertained for dinner and perhaps a few drinks Saturday evening. I think this will be a nice close to this brief chapter in my life. I have to be honest I am sad to be leaving so soon. My new roommates seemed to be really genuine people. With my remaining few days here in Barcelona I will show Sydney around the city and I will soak up the remaining time I have with the new friends I have met in my time here. Darn money... oh well... that's life.... or so it's always been mine.

However, I greatly look forward to seeing all my family and friends. I truly missed everyone and feel that my time here has not been wasted. I have learned a lot about living in another culture and being able to see life outside of the US has been rewarding. I also know that lessons in life catch us later in life. What I mean by that statement is we don't always realize or understand the impact certain life experiences until we are able to look at things in retrospect. Always live for the day and the lessons of life will present themselves as they prove necessary and/or relevant.

I will say this, I had a great time in Germany for New Years Eve... I can't post all the pictures so please check out the link I have provided and you will be able to see a bit of my adventures while I was in Stuttgart Germany. Sydney and I went to stay with a friend of mine named Brandon... I have known him since the forth grade! It's crazy when you begin to know people longer than half of your life. One thing about Germany is the people are so tall and blonde! I can usually pick out my friend Sydney in the store because she is one of few blondes... not in Germany!

Stuttgart Pics:

Love you all and see you soon!

I will leave you with this song:
"In My Life" by the Beatles
(you can listen to this song if you would like by clicking on the link I have provided)