Saturday, November 29, 2008

“Who Needs Drugs When You Have English Teachers?”

(Traveling, somewhere, 27.11.08)

So Thanksgiving here is well… simply the last Thursday of the month… soooo non-existent. My American friends and I decided the week before Thanksgiving that we would all gather and have our own little Thanksgiving feast. Literally the same day we were discussing this mock-Thanksgiving dinner we discovered that ISLA (our study center) had alternative plans for our “not-Thanksgiving” evening. Another language school here in Barcelona had an opening in their schedule and invited us to come teach their students for an hour. We were not to thrilled at this news to say the least, especially considering it was scheduled right after our normal day of class. AH!

So we had a week to let the news set in and by Thursday it still wasn’t our first choice but I think we had all decided it wouldn’t be to bad and that afterwards we could still celebrate! So after class ended at 5:00 and we set off for the nearest metro stop so that we could reach our destination by 6:00. After a metro journey consisting of cramped spaces, Robert almost licking a handrail and the sweetest 5 o’clock accordion players Barcelona’s metro system could offer we finally hit the street near our destination.

We made our way to the school, which was quite near the station. Shortly after arriving to the classroom adult students of all ages began pouring in the room filling nearly all thirty empty seats. Some nerves began to show through amongst my colleagues. I feel fortunate that my tired mind warded off the majority of those nerves. Lawrence, our instructor, grouped us with 5-6 students each for a more intimate learning environment. We followed our lesson worksheets in our small groups and one-by-one made our way up to the front of the class to deliver our specified instructions to the entirety of the class; in order to keep the lesson moving.

Finally the class was over and we as teachers exchanged our wavering perceptions of the experience. We had all decided that this experience was well worth missing out on Turkey between the times of five and seven; our students seemed so appreciative and excited that we were there and that truly made the experience all worth it. One lady was so thankful and excited she utterly could not contain her face and body of enthusiastic gestures, Alex was quick to point this out. It followed with this statement, “Who needs drugs when you have English teachers!” We concluded with a picture to commemorate the event and then eagerly left that school, it was Thanksgiving dinnertime!!

(Commemorative Photo:
Back: Robert, Lawrence, Alex, Lauren
Front: Stacey, Natalie)

(Rahul, not my student but dying to know my age
and get a photo with me. Reservations much?)

After walking around searching for a restaurant we could all agree on, for about forty minutes, common situation, we finally decided on this small restaurant; tables topped with white linen and wine goblets. We made our way in, sat down and quickly were moved to another seat… apparently seat yourself means ‘seat yourself in the place we ESP you to sit.’ We again moved once more, into the smoking section, which was great because it was a whole room just for us! Perfect! We quickly ordered drinks, I finally got the gin and tonic I had been wanting all day and shortly following we placed the order for our long awaited Thanksgiving dinner! Now please don’t be offended and keep in mind I don’t know that I have seen turkey since I’ve been here, along with many other Thanksgiving items. The food came out, a salad, calamari, cured ham with vegetables and last but not least black rice and squid. Yes, black rice. Black rice, new to me but quite tasty, is rice cooked in squid ink! Sounds odd and it is but it is really good! Oh and yes, it does turn your teeth black… its ink, what else would you expect? We concluded our meals and headed on our way. To our surprise when we left it was raining. Luckily it wasn’t to far to the nearest metro station. After a long journey home on the metro I arrived safely at my flat and enjoyed another gin and tonic to celebrate while I called home. It was great talking to everyone! Thanks!

(Inky teeth... compliments of Mr. Squid)

This was not what one would call a "traditional" Thanksgiving. It was a long day and we truly had to work for our dinner however, it was great being able to share this holiday with people whose company I enjoy!! On another note I did attend another Thanksgiving dinner today (Saturday)… this dinner had all the real fixings!! It was so refreshing to have a taste of home!!! I SO MUCH love the yogurt here but it does not account for all the missing dishes I miss from back home. Today was gratifying.


mom said...

well sh.., i just erased my entire message that i typed,or should i say that the sign in process did. perhaps i don't accurately know how to sign. at any rate, im doing fine, it's wonderful to hear ur stories i'm extreamly excited for u. im at the library working on my nsg ce's due at the end of next mo. john and i walked to mcdonalds yesterday and had bfk then rented a movie. he invited me to carolines last night for her BD party but im still not up to much socializing perhaps next time. loved the inky teeth, not. continue to enjoy ur self, i think of u ofter and always wish u well through prayers and good thoughts. gotta go the library is closing in 15min. thanks for the field trip it was awesome. xoxo mom

mom said...

hey babe what's goin on!!!!!

mom said...

just makin' sure i know how to send messages w/o deleteing current ones. bye! luv u, mom

Leslie Hunt said...

Well that sounds like a very interesting but fun Thanksgiving to me! I ate turkey at 3 different houses due to my plethora of family! I was so sick of turkey by the end of the night I wanted to puke just thinking about it. Anyways I think black rice would have been a nice filler at one of the meals the ink teeth would make for good ole fashioned holiday mockings. I also love your friend's quote, I think it's pretty sweet that someone got that excited about learning english. Sounds like you're doing great, keep it up and I'll talk to you later. Oh ya, you're moms adorable with her post trying to figure out if they're working I'm glad I'm not the last person in the world to figure out blogging.